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Asayışê ena roce
Skógafoss July 2014.JPG

Skógafoss is a waterfall situated on the Skógá River in the south of Iceland at the cliffs of the former coastline. After the coastline had receded seaward (it is now at a distance of about 5 kilometres (3.1 miles) from Skógar), the former sea cliffs remained, parallel to the coast over hundreds of kilometres, creating together with some mountains a clear border between the coastal lowlands and the Highlands of Iceland.  

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Meydanê Fotoy
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Şıma yi ya sıfte yeni commons se, resimi wesi'ra, resimi qelite'dı yana zi resimi hususi'ra dewam keri. tayzi resme wesi esti bewni re: Fotrafberan u xizberana bere bıslas ni.

Images from July 21