
Hypertension - just cure it!

(Contributions to Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Forum, May 1999 - January 2000)
(Beiträge zu Dr. Schnitzer's Gesundheits-Forum, Mai 1999 - Januar 2000)

Sent by nora 11 August 1999, 00:34:36


 how could i cure it! Nora
Link for your contribution: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Forum

Sent by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer 25 August 1999, 21:42:50
Response to "Hypertension" (nora, 11 August 1999, 00:34:36)

Hypertension - just cure it!

Hypertension can be cured by removing the causes, that force the body to elevate the blood pressure. Then the body re-normalizes its blood pressure, without needing anymore pills. All you need to know to reach this is explained in my English book "Hypertension, Life Threatening Risk Factor 1 Now Curable!", and in my German book "Risikofaktor Bluthochdruck, lebensbedrohend, aber heilbar!". Both books can be found and ordered by my Website http://www.dr-schnitzer.de.
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Link: Book "Hypertension, Life Threatening Risk Factor 1 Now Curable!"
Link for your contribution: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Forum

Sent by David McCollum 02 November 1999, 04:16:10

  It works quickly and is no burden.

Since October of 1998, and some time before, I was looking for a solution to my own case of obesity. There was a complication of irregular heart beat which had been under treatment for several years prior to October 1998. There was no significant progress in weight loss.
Started the Schnitzer-Nutrition in October 1998, now is the one year mark. The stress test in August 1999 was good and the blood chemistry is back to normal except for HDL’s are still slightly low. The doctor has issued a letter for me to continue full exercise to bring up the HDL’s. All other restrictions have been removed. My blood pressure is now at 114/68 with heart rate of 58, without any pills or medications. This was all from following Dr. Schnitzer’s program for one year. Beginning with the foods listed in the “obesity cure booklet,” at the two week mark blood pressure was 170/81 heart rate at 55. Steady improvement for each week/month followed. Weight lose is over 30 pounds as of last weigh-in. Waist size has gone from 50 to 44 inches. There are still more pounds to lose following Dr. Schnitzer’s program. Health has improved along with the weight lose.
November 1999, DBM
Link: More information and links about nutrition and health improvement.
Link for your contribution: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Forum

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Friedrichshafen, Germany, im Jahr 2003   Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de / http://www.dr-schnitzer.de

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