
Grains maintained the Roman Health

(Contributions to Dr. Schnitzer's Health Secrets Forum, May 1999 - January 2000)
(Beiträge zu Dr. Schnitzer's Gesundheits-Forum, Mai 1999 - Januar 2000)

Sent by David McCollum 17 January 2000, 04:49:32

Use of grains in the Roman army

Some time ago you wrote, in an email, about the use of pure grains by the army under Caesar. It, as I recall, was about the use of 850 grams of pure whole grain per day. Can you elaborate on this topic and the meaning of using so much pure raw food especially in a critical situation like an army?
Link:  Methods of Improving Nutrition
Link for your contribution: Dr. Schnitzer's Health Forum

Sent by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer 19 January 2000, 19:33:17
Response to "Use of grains in the Roman army" (David McCollum, 17 January 2000, 04:49:32)

Grains maintained the Roman health

It was Professor Dr. med. Werner Kollath, hygienist and bacteriologist, who reported in his German book "Getreide und Mensch, eine Lebensgemeinschaft" (cereals and man, a symbiosis) about the food supply in the ancient Roman army. Each legionaire received about 750 Grams of grains per day as their main food supply. Most authors reported it was wheat, others think it was millet. Each cohort (= 100 legionaires) had one mill with them, to grind the daily needed quantity. One third was prepared as a (raw, unheated) mush, two thirds were baked as flat bread, and taken as march ration for the day.
Whenever there was a deficiency of grains, and therefore they had to eat meat, they regarded this as a deficiency or hunger food, knowing it makes them tired and weak.
It is also known, that the Etrusks, when they gave 40 war ships to the Romans to fight against Karthago, they equipped the ships with handmills to produce the daily (raw) mush from the grains they took with them as food supply.
The same was done by Ethiopian soldiers during the last war between about 1980 and 1990; they pounded grains (barley, or millet, or wheat or others), put the flour into a beer bottle, added water, shook it and drunk it). Whoever has tried this will know what a surprising energy, for many hours, is generated by this simple drink!
The general result of this ancient nutrition with freshly ground cereals: A complete absence of any chronic "civilization" diseases or degeneration signs.
The Roman emperor Caesar reports all details of his war campaigns in his books - but no diseases are mentionned in his precise reports!
Another example: The skeletons found in Pompei (covered totally with ash by the volcano Vesuvius in the year 73) show beautiful teeth, standing perfectly, without dental caries, and without parodontosis. Compare this to the seriously degenerated dentitions of the western "civilized" populations!
If the "health sector" in modern societies would be willing to learn from this knowledge of former real and successful civilizations, most of the chronic diseases and degeneration ailments would just disappear from the world population.
Naturally, the huge business done by treating and not curing those diseases would disappear as well. This seems to be a serious obstacle to such a learning process, and a reason why it doesn't take place.
Another aspect of grains as main food supply is the hunger problem in the world. Each year, Millions of children die from hunger. This could be avoided. The world production of grains, divided by the 6 billions of living humans, results in about 850 Grams of grains per day and per capita. This is more than sufficient to satisfy the hunger of every human being in the world - and to maintain their health and their perfect genetic reproduction in healthy offspring!
The bad truth is: The rich ones use most of the yearly world grain harvest, to feed about 15 billion animals, to kill them afterwards, and to eat their meat. By that, they receive their punishment suffering from chronic diseases and cancer - and the poor ones have to suffer and to die from hunger.
Is this the modern idea about development, society, solidarity, humanity, and human rights?

You see, still we could learn a lot from the ancient Roman army, using grains as their source of health and energy. The grains enabled them to conquer a complete world empire on foot, marching up to about 50 miles per day, and even then being fit to fight down their enemies.

The grains would enable us to develop our civilization forward, to a world with healthy populations, without hunger, and probably with more peace and happiness.
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Link: Prevention and cure of diseases by health (survey)
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Friedrichshafen, Germany, im Jahr 2003,   Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de / http://www.dr-schnitzer.de

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